Payment Methods We Accept

  1. Cash on Delivery (COD):
    Pay when your order is delivered to your doorstep.

  2. Bank Transfer:
    Prefer paying via bank transfer? Use the details below:

    • Account Title: MUHAMMAD BILAL
    • Account Number: 01990107632978
    • Bank: Meezan Bank
  3. Credit/Debit Cards:
    Use your Visa, Mastercard, or any other supported card to pay securely at checkout.

  4. Mobile Wallets:
    Make payments using popular wallets like Easypaisa or JazzCash:

    • Account Title: Muhammad Bilal
    • Account Number: 03272379972
    • Supported Wallets: Easypaisa and JazzCash

Payment Confirmation Process
After making your payment (via bank transfer, mobile wallet, or card), please follow these steps to confirm:
  • For Bank Transfer and Mobile Wallet payments:
  • Send a screenshot of your transaction to our WhatsApp number: +92 317 4976641.
  • For COD (Cash on Delivery):
No confirmation is required; simply prepare to pay when the delivery arrives.

Need Help?

If you encounter any issues or have questions about your payment, feel free to contact us: